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Amateur Radio > Vintage Transmitters
Thanks to the following folks for advice, parts and/or posting information on their websites.  

Rodger, WQ9E
Mike, KE0ZU in KC, Mo.
Ms. Ashley Hall, W7DUZ, KISS Electronics, Cornelius Or.  Rebuilds Viking Rangers, Rotary Switches
Radio Boulevard, Henry, WA7YBS
Greg Latta, AA8V
Wireless-girl, AB2RA

This is the switch on the left was built by Ashley, W7DUZ and her crew from used Johnson components.   This included building the rotor portion which was missing from the switch in the Viking 500.  It was built quickly and reasonably priced.  It is an excellent switch.

The switch on the right is the switch I rebuilt over the summer.  The rotor for it was not damaged needing only the two clips installed.
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