Norton Commando - RT's Radio Home Page

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Norton Commando

British Iron
The Norton Commando is one of the best British machines produced during the late 1960's through the mid 1970's.  I owned a 1971 Commando briefly in the 1990's and soon regretted selling it.  In 2018, I bought this 1973 850.  It was in fairly good condition, though it needed carburetor and transmission work.  Today, it is a strong runner and a keeper.

**A few known problems the Commando suffers from:
1. The notorious original transmission layshaft ball bearing is known to come apart when the steel cage fails.  This bearing will inevitably fail and possibly lock up the gearbox.  Replacement with a high quality roller bearing is highly recommended.  
2.  The rear brake lever:  If the brake cable fails, the long brake lever will pivot down and dig into the road surface catapulting the motorcycle and rider; a crash is likely to happen.  It did happen to a fellow rider in the 1980's.  A $9 aftermarket return spring is an easy fix.  

Of all the motorcycles I have owned/ridden over the years, the Norton Commando is my favorite riding machine.

Out on a ride in 2022.
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