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Indicators for knobs

Amateur Radio > E.F. Johnson Restoration
When finding a new piece of Johnson gear, the knobs may be missing one or more of the white indicators.  Items such as Q-Tip swabs have been used, but they do not look original and are made of compressed paper.   

I found this information the web; it was posted by another Johnson enthusiast, AA8V, Greg Latta on his website detailing the restoration of a Viking Ranger I.

Available from:
Part #  114017

I use Elmer's rubber cement to locate these in the recess in the knob.  It is normally used to attach photos in albums, repair book bindings, etc., so I trust it with my EFJ knobs.   

Here is a comparison between the original Johnson indicator (Top) and the new indicator (bottom).

Here is a "Q-Tip" indicator.  It looks out of place.

Here is the non-trimmed device used as the indicator.
Here is a Ranger fitted with the new indicators.

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