E.F. Johnson - RT's Radio Home Page
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Amateur Radio
Radio Bench
Vintage Transmitters
EF Johnson Viking Valiant
EF Johnson Viking 500 #1
EF Johnson Viking 500 #2
EF Johnson Thunderbolt
EF Johnson Audio Amp
EF Johnson Ranger I
EF Johnson Ranger II
Collins 32-V2 (#1)
Gonset GSB-100
The Chernobyl Resistor
Vintage Receivers
Collins 75A-4
Collins 51J-4
National NC-303
R 390A
SP-600 JX 17
SP-600 JX-26 #1
Hammarlund HQ-129x
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day 2023
Micellaneous Tube Projects
Allied Radio "Knight KM15" Monoblock Amplifier
Allied Radio Signal Tracer
E.F. Johnson
British Iron
Vincent Black Shadow
Vincent Rapide
Norton Commando
1982 Triumph Bonneville
Mikuni Carburetors??
Triumph Tiger Cub
E.F. Johnson
Amateur Radio > Restoration
Here are a few ideas for Johnson restoration: (Under Construction)
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