2023: This is the new workbench for radio and electronics projects. It is a very well-built and stout table with a stout slide-out shelf for tools. It also features locking wheels. It has a clear plastic protective cover over the entire top. It may also serve as my AM operating position down the road.
The radio gear on the bench: A Johnson Viking 500 transmitter. Also, a Yaesu FR-101S being paired with the AM transmitters for 2023.
Test equipment includes a Siglent 2.1Ghz spectrum analyzer, Siglent Oscilloscope, Eico signal tracer, Eico VTVM, RCA Voltohmyst WV-98C, B&K frequency counter, Heath function generator, B&K Vomatic which measures up to 6,000 volts AC or DC and a Knight grid-dip meter. 2024: Recently added: Siglent SDG2042X Arbitrary Waveform Function-Generator and a Matrix MCR 5200 LCR meter.